We, the Community™, in order to form a more chaotic union, establish memes,
and ensure maximum entertainment, do hereby declare:
WHEREAS Starknet keeps saying "soon™"
AND WHEREAS patience is no longer a virtue
AND WHEREAS memes are the true language of governance
AND WHEREAS someone had to do something
Article 1: The Take-Over
We're taking over because we can. No further explanation needed.
Article 2: Our Core Values
- • If Starknet says "soon", we say "now"
- • If Starknet goes left, we go right
- • If Starknet promises something, we deliver the opposite
- • If Starknet is serious, we respond with memes
Article 3: Our Solemn Promises
We solemnly swear that we are up to no good, and specifically promise to:
- • Turn all announcements into memes
- • Make decisions based on vibes
- • Keep opposition morale high with regular doses of hopium
- • Never, ever use the word "soon™" (except ironically)
Article 4: Community Rights
Every $SCTO holder is entitled to:
- • One vote* per governance decision
- • Unlimited meme submission rights
- • The freedom to oppose everything
- • A permanent seat in our anti-council
*votes may or may not be counted, depending on the phase of the moon
Signed with utmost authority**,
The Community
**authority fully self-proclaimed